
Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship

Nurture your relationship to make it everlasting

Your marriage won't take care of itself - you both have to make an effort to make it last.  The easy part was becoming friends then falling in love.  Nurturing that love and friendship creates a balance of romance and fun that keeps your marriage in good health and when that happens, the rest of your life follows suit.

Here are some things to think about and action to take.


Take care of your friendship.  Love your BFF.  So many couples start out as friends, whether at school when they are young, as colleagues, or as friends of friends.  You get to know each other's true likes and dislikes, you talk about feelings, goals, and go out and have fun.  

Remember this dynamic when you're married!  Not all nights out are 'date nights', some can be fun nights doing those things you used to do, like minigolf, or getting a beer and shooting pool.  

Having fun is an important part of being together, it works side by side with romance, but one does not replace the other.

The Little Things

Love reminders

Love is not a given. Every day is a good day to tell your partner you love them, kiss them hello and goodbye.  Little love rituals like making coffee, giving them a neck massage, or taking out the family pet all show appreciation and make the other person feel loved.

Stay on the same side

You are not competing with each other.  You are not enemies.  But an occasional argument happens, just remember that you're on the same side.

Keep the language and tone of the argument respectful - tackle the argument, not each other.  Most of all, let go of any grudges.  This is the person you vowed to love and care for forever.  Saying those words during the ceremony is the easy part.  Living up to them takes a lifetime.

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